How do I invest if I know nothing about investing with no chance of losing my money.
Probably, after reading this title of this article you must have been wandering this would be a clickbait article but hold on my friend, I will be going through all the concept step by step.
Why to invest ?
There is a concept in finance known as “inflation” , you know it right. for those people who don’t know about inflation, inflation means when your money loses its value. In India average inflation is a nearly 4.5 % and in US it is nearly 3 % to 4% .

So, you are earning good enough right and I am just hoping that you are saving a chunk of money but what if you don’t invest? just think for a while how much your money is getting eaten by this silent killer known as inflation.
To beat inflation, there is only one way and you know it right, and that is investing.
But I am a newbie Nawaz, I don’t know about those technical and financial jargons. What I should do?
Just have patience, if you don’t know anything, first of all open a demat account and if you don’t know how to open a demat account just Google it.
Let’s come to the main topic which is how do I invest my money with no chance of losing.
How should I invest my money with no chance of losing :
In the world of investing, reknown investor Mr Warren Buffett has two rules of investing, these are :

- Never lose money.
- Never forget rule number 1.
Mr Buffett says that if you don’t want to lose money and earn risk free just invest in index funds.
Now you might be wondering what the hell is this index fund. Let’s make this very crisp, we will be discussing about it in our future blog posts. If you are facing any difficulties in finding good index funds just message me in LinkedIn or on my Instagram handle.
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